Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog Post #4

Blog post #4
     The purpose of my paper will be to describe the relationship between these two companies and how they reflect on their business. I will do this by discussing what both companies have in common when it comes to what they produce and how they go about producing it, and how they differ on them as well. I will then use these facts along with their current share values and revenue information to further analyze how the two companies differ. I chose these topics because in my hobby, these two are some of the largest manufacturers of computer components around, and because of this, these two companies are considered rivals. By analyzing and comparing and contrasting them, we get a view of why they are seen as such, and how this impacts consumer response to them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog Post #3

Bedford Reader Eleventh Edition

"I Want a Wife"
This article is a list of things that a woman feels that she is expected to do as a so called "wife" it includes talking about taking care of all of the daily issues that can accompany a family life. Its meant to give sight into the unfairness that is the balance of the chores and responsibilities that occurs in a stereotypical household. It discusses that while the non wife must only deal with either school or work, the wife must not only take care of the children and the house, must also make up the slack when it comes to finances, that may include getting a job, all the while is still expected to continue to have all other duties so that the former can keep their life centered on progressing themselves. The paragraph ends with her even saying that a wife is expected to stay in the life that was created, and not expect the non wife to worry about it if they decide to leave that life behind.

"Men-It's in Their Nature"
This article is about how masculinity is something that we cannot remove from a boys nature. It discusses that there have been many attempts to hinder the "barbarian" that is the anger and excitement that seems to be wired in to every male on the planet. It talks about how there have been attempts to force boys to conform to more emotional and caring state of mind, but all have failed to do so. And that as a society we embrace the notion of strength so much that its now impossible to even attempt to even do so. The purpose was to show that there will always be differences between men and women and we should embrace that.

Between the two articles I would have to pick the "I Want a Wife" article. Its a lot simpler of an article yes, but the message behind it I believe is much larger than the later. It has this deep message behind it that by being able to analyze and discuss, I believe that there is a much deeper discussion that can be had with it. When I analyze an article I enjoy the one with the more subtle message. Now this does not mean that the other article doesn't have anything to discuss, nor do I think it has a weaker point to be made, I just think the first one has more for me to analyze and talk about.

Kennedy, X. J., Dorothy Kennedy, and Jane Aaron. "I Want a Wife." The Bedford Reader. 11th ed. Boston: St. Martin's, 2012. 360-362. Print.

Kennedy, X. J., Dorothy Kennedy, and Jane Aaron. "Men-It's in Their Nature." The Bedford Reader. 11th ed. Boston: St. Martin's, 2012. 365-368. Print.

Friday, October 9, 2015

English 101 Blog Post #2

When I think of the best place I like to visit I would describe it as this, As you walk up you begin to feel as though your at a home away from home, a place where family and friendships exist, and a place where you can relax and enjoy yourself. As you enter the place you notice many eyes staring at you, but this doesn't make you feel uncomfortable, the eyes are harmless, you know that you belong here, and you being to feel the warmth that coincides with the entrance closing behind you. You begin to see the soft, warm colors that decorate the walls and create an atmosphere of warmth. You begin to smell the aroma of life, ones that are not necessarily all pleasant, but a smell that tells you that your not the only one there. The sounds of voices begin to enter your realm of perception and you know that all of your troubles and all of the stress of everyday life can be left outside, because here, here is where you feel the most comfortable, and here is where none of those problems matter.